Salat is an important act of worship.

In Islam, the importance of prayer is unparalleled. After embracing faith, the first obligation for a Muslim is to perform prayers. A crucial aspect of our lives is death, which is the gateway to the afterlife. And it is during this transition that our prayers will be accounted for foremost. According to the Hadith, everything will be judged based on the correctness of one’s prayers. On the Day of Judgment, the first account to be taken will be that of prayers. Despite prayer being such a crucial act of worship, in today’s society, there is often extreme indifference towards it, much like other religious obligations. In this regard, we find three types of worshippers in present reality: (1) Countless Muslims who identify themselves as Muslims but do not pray at all. (2) Those who pray but do not complete their prayers in the congregation. (3) Those who pray in congregation but do so carelessly and improperly. Importance of Prayer: Hazrat Abdullah ibn Omar (RA) described the foundation of Islam as being built upon five pillars. Firstly, the declaration that there is no god but Allah, and Muhammad (SAW) is His messenger, bears witness to the acceptance that there is no deity but Allah and Muhammad (SAW) is His messenger. Then comes the establishment of prayer, giving of zakat, performance of Hajj, and observing fasts during the month of Ramadan. (Bukhari, Muslim) Role of Prayer in Forgiving Sins: Hazrat Abu Huraira (RA) narrated that once during a cold season, Prophet Muhammad (SAW) pointed to a river flowing in front of them. The leaves of the trees were falling into it. He took hold of a branch of a tree, causing the leaves to fall more. He said, ‘O Abu Huraira! Verily, a Muslim slave who offers his prayers sincerely for Allah’s sake, his sins fall away from him just as these leaves are falling off this tree.’ (Targhib: Ahmad) In another Hadith, Hazrat Abu Huraira (RA) narrated that the Prophet (SAW) said, ‘Consider, if there is a river at the door of one of you, and he takes a bath in it five times a day, will any dirt remain on his body?’ The Companions replied, ‘No dirt will remain on his body.’ The Prophet (SAW) then said, ‘Similarly, Allah wipes out all sins by performing five daily prayers.’ (Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi)”

Abu Muslim (RA) said, ‘I presented myself in the service of Hazrat Abu Umama (RA), and he was present in the mosque. I asked permission, stating that someone near me narrated this Hadith from you, that you heard it from the Prophet Muhammad (SAW), regarding a person who performs ablution well and then offers the obligatory prayer, Allah Almighty forgives all his sins of that day, whether they are minor or major, secret or open, committed by the hand or by the tongue or in any other way, and even those sins that have been embedded in his heart.’ Hazrat Abu Umama (RA) said, ‘By Allah, I have heard this statement from the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) several times.’ (Targhib, Ahmad)

The Quran also states regarding the forgiveness of sins through prayer: ‘Establish prayer at the decline of the sun until the darkness of the night and the Qur’an at dawn. Indeed, the recitation of the Qur’an at dawn is ever witnessed. And from [part of] the night, pray with it as additional [worship] for you; it is expected that your Lord will resurrect you to a praised station.’ (Surah Al-Isra, Verse 78-79)

Here, it is noteworthy that the forgiveness of sins through prayer is certain. However, the level of our prayers is something to ponder upon. Therefore, assuming that sins will be forgiven through prayers should not lead us to become complacent about sins. Our prayer, if accepted by Allah, is indeed a great achievement. The Solution to Problems through Prayer: Hazrat Huzaifa (RA) said, ‘Whenever the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was faced with a problem, he immediately resorted to prayer.’ (Durr-e-Manthur, Abu Dawud, Ahmad) The Quran advises: ‘And seek help through patience and prayer.’ (Surah Al-Baqarah, Verse 153)

It is described that in the city of Kufa, there was a porter highly regarded by the people. Due to his credibility, he would carry valuable goods and money for businessmen. Once, he was on a journey. Along the way, he encountered a man. The man inquired, ‘Where are you going?’ The porter replied, ‘To such-and-such city.’ The man said, ‘I am also going there. Can you take me with you?’ The porter agreed. As they proceeded, they reached near a forest. The man, intending to murder the porter, unsheathed his dagger from his sleeve. The porter pleaded earnestly, but to no avail. Seeing imminent danger, the porter expressed his desire to perform two units of prayer. Permission was granted. As the porter started praying, he forgot a verse from the Quran. The villainous man stood by impatiently, urging him to finish his prayer quickly. Unbeknownst to him, the verse that came to the porter’s mind was ‘Or do you feel secure that He who [holds authority] in the heaven would not send against you a storm of stones? Then you would know how [severe] was My warning.’ (Surah Al-Mulk, Verse 15). He was reciting this verse while shedding tears. At that moment, another man wearing a glittering helmet appeared. He killed the villainous man with a single stroke and said to the porter, ‘Brother, who are you?’ The man replied, ‘I am a slave of the verse you were reciting.’ ‘Now you are safe. You may go wherever you wish,’ he said. With that, the man departed. Subhan-Allah! Indeed, prayer is such a great treasure that not only brings salvation but also saves from worldly troubles. And inner peace is attained.

Salvation from the fire of hell through prayer:

The Prophet (PBUH) said, when it’s time for prayer, an angel proclaims, “O children of Adam! Get up and extinguish that fire of hell which you have ignited upon yourselves due to your sins.” Therefore, the pious people rise, perform ablution, and offer prayers. Consequently, all their sins (from dawn until noon) are forgiven. Similarly, the same applies to the times of Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha prayers, during each prayer time. (Targhib, Tabrani)

Attainment of Paradise through prayer:

The Pure Prophet (PBUH) stated, “Allah has enjoined upon your community the five obligatory prayers, and I have made a covenant to the one who consistently observes these five daily prayers that I shall intercede for his entry into Paradise. As for the one who does not regularly perform these prayers, I have no responsibility towards him.” (Durr-e-Mansoor, Abu Dawood, Ibn Majah)

Directives and blessings for family members regarding prayer:

It is not sufficient to solely perform one’s prayers; rather, family members should also be instructed to pray. As mentioned: “O Messenger! Command your family to observe prayer, and be steadfast therein. We ask you not for provision; We provide for you.” (Surah Taha, Verse 132) In another hadith, it is mentioned to instruct children to pray from the age of seven, and to discipline them if they neglect prayer or show laziness by the age of ten. The last part of the aforementioned verse also gives the glad tidings of increased sustenance for those who pray.

Consequences of neglecting prayer:

The Noble Prophet (PBUH) stated, “The distinction between faith and disbelief is the abandonment of prayer.” Moreover, elsewhere it is said, “When a person neglects one obligatory prayer, it is as if his family, wealth, and everything have been looted.” (Targhib, Ibn Hibban)

Role of prayer in the forgiveness of sins:

Certainly, prayer prevents indecency and wrongdoing. When the Noble Prophet (PBUH) was asked about the aforementioned verse, he said, “The one whose prayers do not prevent him from indecency and wrongdoing, his prayers are of no use.” (Durr-e-Mansoor, Ibn Hattim)

May Allah, the Lord of all worlds, grant us all the ability to perform prayers in the best manner. Amen.

Hafiz Mawlana Mustaq Ahmad Sahib
(Teacher, At-Taqwa Jamia)